Sekcja Wychowankow
Politechniki Kijowskiej


SWPK   Information about the Section
KPI   Information about KPI
KPI   Virtual walk around the campus
  Memories from Kiev
links   Interesting websites



The Section of Kiev Polytechnic Institute's Graduates (SWPK)
An association that gathered Polish graduates of Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI). Founded in 1922.

1922. - Warsaw -  founding of the Union of Kiev Polytechnic Institute's Graduates under aegis of the Association of Polish Technicans.
1928. -  30-anniversary of Kiev Polytechnic Institute  - 1st convetion of graduates in Warsaw.
1939 - 1945 The WW II stops activity of Union.
1957 -  on prof. Swietoslawski's initiative a meeting of KPI's graduates took place
1958  -  pre-war union resumed activity as the Section of Kiev Polyitechnic Institute's Graduates (SWPK)  under the aegis of the General Technic Organisation (NOT)
1976 - Tradition of every year's meeting commenced
1987 -  1 st volume of "Memories from Kiev was issued.
1998 r. - celebration of 100 - anniversary of Alma Mater

Kiev Politechnic Institute - KPI (Kyjivskyj Politechnytschnyj Institut)

The biggest university of Ukraine
Founded 31st August 1898 on decree of the Emperor Alexander II.
From  1995 the National Technical University of Ukraine NTUU - KPI (Narodnyj technicznyj uniwersytet Ukrajiny - "KPI") -
Area of campus - 257 acrees,  teaching area  3,460,000 sq. feet
22 faculties, 3 teaching-scientifical institutes
About 34,000 of students, more than 2700 teachers and researchers, including more than 270 professors.

  [Polish version]   [Section of KPI's  Polish graduates]  [KPI - unofficial site]   [Virtual walk around KPI's campus]  [Memories from Kiev]   [WWW]